JuVaShape Ultra
JuVaShape technology is non-invasive radio frequency technology that can deliver concentrated thermal energy to renew, revitalize and refresh the body and face. JuVaShape treats multiple indications including cellulite, wrinkles and rhytids and uneven skin texture.
Body Contouring & Cellulite Reduction
Laser Treatments
Reshape and tighten without surgery or downtime. Smooth out cellulite and tighten up loose, lax skin with our cutting-edge non-invasive body contouring treatments.
Venus Legacy
Venus Legacy uses heat to naturally boost collagen production and break down fat cells, which tightens sagging skin, smoothens out cellulite, and makes the body look slimmer and more toned. Venus Legacy will also help to reduce fine and lines and wrinkles, leaving you with smoother, younger-looking skin.
Achieving a beautiful shape can take great dedication to a healthy lifestyle of regular exercise and proper nutrition. However, genetics also plays a significant role in the contours of our bodies. Genetics can predispose individuals to carry more or less fat in specific areas, particularly in the midsection, buttocks and hips. These fat stores can be very difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise alone. Additionally, some individuals are prone to carry cellulite and dimples, particularly in the thighs and buttocks. Come try:
A series of 4-6 treatments are recommended to achieve desire results. Come try our body contouring & cellulite reduction laser treatments. Make an appointment for a Free Consultation
Oftentimes, body contouring involves spot fat loss treatments in hard to lose places on your body. For women this is generally in the hips and thighs, while men carry most of their weight in the stomach area. Body contouring refers to any procedure that helps remove excess skin and fat in problem areas. This also includes tightening skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite.
At Timeless Beauty Aesthetics, we are pleased to offer credible and reliable solutions for body contouring. The body contouring procedures are intended to sculpt and smooth the body’s curves, targeting trouble spots and delivering results! Body contouring at Timeless Beauty Aesthetics is performed with energy based procedures including JuVaShape and Venus Legacy.